Mr. Piacenza: Thirty-two minutes is not enough. Five tracks are not enough. Having listened to your debut release, Dream, many times over, it is simply not enough and I demand more. I demand more of your classical-inspired piano melodies and the gentle electronic treatments that accompany them. I want more of the soul-quieting, close-your-eyes-and-listen moments that wash over me on “Mutations.” I want more of the piercing emotion and rich phrasing that informs “Reflections.” I want more of the way you seem to coax the notes out of your piano rather than merely playing them. I want more of the elegant production work, so very clean and simple and a perfect match for your style. More of your use of the resonant sound of the fading notes as harmony and atmosphere. I kindly request more of the subtle strength of “This Is Real” with its long pads whispering beneath confident left-hand chords and the high melody that switches between graceful dance and hesitant admission of some kind of truth. I must insist on you giving me more music that I want to sit and listen to quietly as the sun sets at the end of a long day, or as I watch the way my wine catches and reflects the candlelight late in the evening. I want more of this music that can quite literally bring me to the edge of tears because it’s finding its way into my mind and heart and unlocking things in there.

Bravo, Signor Piacenza. Your album is amazing and deserves to be ranked with the best New Age albums of the year despite its brevity. And now, more, per favore.